
Our Story

Founder and CEO, Eric Rubin

Do you know what’s in your air freshener? Founder and CEO, Eric Rubin, found out exactly what was in his when he went to start his first business. Initially, Eric set out to design a scented air freshener for the car but after visiting a manufacturing plant, he found out they were filled with some seriously terrible ingredients: formaldehyde, petroleum and artificial fragrance. How could people hang this in their car? There had to be a better solution.

Eric searched the US and abroad, looking for healthier options and discovered moso bamboo charcoal in China. This miracle product, sometimes referred to as “black diamond” seemed perfect: eco-friendly, sustainable, affordable, and so safe that in parts of Asia people use it not only to purify their air and water; they also ingest it to help detoxify the body.

Further research and testing found that bamboo charcoal works incredibly well to eliminate odors, remove harmful chemicals and absorb excess moisture from the air. But the final test was to put one in his car, which at the time smelled like musty gym clothes and last week’s pizza. Within one day he noticed a huge difference in the odor and within three days the smell was completely gone!


Problem solved.

Moso Natural has been the leader of bamboo charcoal in the American market since August 2010, helping rid the world of unpleasant odors, one bad smell at a time.

We believe in being kind to people and kind to the Earth.

We believe that small, positive changes in people’s habits and consciousness can yield major results for their health and for the good of the planet.

We believe in positively impacting people’s health by raising awareness and educating consumers about toxins in many air freshening products.

We believe in creating great products that are eco-friendly, sustainable and affordable.

We believe in providing a fair, humane and remunerative working environment for our employees.

COO, Julie Bosak and CEO, Eric Rubin at a tradeshow

Moso Natural works closely with our factory in China to ensure high quality products made in a safe and fair work environment. Moso bamboo is grown in the Fujian Province and each Moso Bag is hand sewn and packaged by our team. We are proud to have such a strong international relationship that benefits our workers and our customers.

The sale of air fresheners in the U.S. has doubled in the past decade; sadly, consumer awareness of the danger of these products is low. It is ironic that most air fresheners on the market, which people purchase to “clean” their air, are actually doing quite the opposite. In fact, with toxic and/or carcinogenic chemicals such as formaldehyde, petrochemicals, p-dichlorobenzene, and aerosol pollutants, many air fresheners are extremely detrimental to indoor air quality and to people’s health. Click on the links for more information.

At Moso Natural we are committed to continually growing our company by contracting with new clients and expanding the units of Moso Bags we produce. At the same time, we are actively researching other uses for bamboo charcoal. One of the more exciting ideas to us is Moso bamboo charcoal’s potential application for green roofs, with their attendant environmental benefits. This versatile material has the potential to solve some of the world’s problems and Moso Natural is eager to investigate them all.

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